Scribble Bunny

Some pest that draws things


- She/Her, born in the 90s, Autism, ADHD and god knows what else.
- A still-learning artist with a bit of a bad eye condition that can make art pretty hard. I'm still managing though.
- I overthink about characters. Ask me about HCs, I'll probably blab your ears off.
- Wannabe writer but I'm not very confident about it.
- Kind of a ditz, actually.


- I've had a pretty crappy history and it's left me with a lot of anxiety. So, I don't tend to approach first. And I've been given plenty reason to be wary of people, so please don't take it personally if I come off as distant.
- As for minors... you're free to follow or reply on art and stuff but please don't DM or the like. If I ever do commissions I might make an exception but otherwise... please respect my boundaries.
- I definitely want nothing to do with TERFs or MAPs. That goes for people that deal in loli/shota stuff too. I've had enough damage from you guys.

Simpsons Stuff

Since that's the majority of what I draw, might as well have its own section.

Guess first thing's first. Yeah, I get critical. But I also do my best to be fair and I definitely have my reasons. And a good chunk of those I detail in this:
I really can't overlook how shitty the Jean era is towards their female cast, when so many of them could be so much more so easily. That and some pretty uncool transphobic moments and so on.
I guess really, I care way more about the cast than the show itself nowadays. And well, I tend to give those favourites a lot of love. Even if, or precisely because, hardly anyone else will!

Favourite Characters

Sherri & Terri Mackleberry: Maybe not the most common choice for faves but screw commonality. They're underrated and overhated. There's a ton of potential and, for as neglected or outright badly treated as they are, they still have more going for them than a lot of characters that do have focus eps. Considering they get the most people noticing they've not had an ep even over more popular characters like Lenny shows that I'm not the only one who knows they could be more.
In fact, I did a whole thing detailing a lot of what I see in 'em!

Bart Simpson: Easily the most interesting of the cast as far as what's actually shown goes. As much as people complain about his sensitive moments, those are actually what I like him for. That and he's all too relateable.

Favourite Episodes

Bart Gets An F: It's not often you get a character deconstruction just two seasons in but this is not only one of their best stories but also one of those eps that really gives Bart his depth...

Bart Sells His Soul: A weird and wacky episode but it's got some of the best possible moments and really knew how to use the cast. Also, it's got the best (and probably the third best as well) Sherri & Terri moment!

Other Noteworthy Picks

22 Short Stories About Springfield: For someone that really likes the side cast, do I really have to explain what makes this great?
Lost Our Lisa: I guess you could argue for something like "Lisa's Substitute" or whatever but I think this is one of Lisa's best. It's an interesting twist showing her being way in over her head... while also putting a bizarrely positive spin on it and Homer's recklessness. To think, this is a Scully episode!
Halloween Of Horror: Yeah this one's good too. If you've seen, I don't need to explain.
Barthood: The other episode that makes Season 27 surprisingly good. The timeline approach is a good one and for as horribly one-sided in Lisa's favour their rivalry is now, this is one of the only times Bart's actually treated with any sympathy for it. Far as flashforward episodes go, it's one of the good ones.
Bart the Mother: Another really good episode for Bart that goes beyond the "modern day Dennis the Menace" image he has. Also a great one for Marge.
Das Bus & Skinner's Sense of Snow: I really like these ones for pretty much the same reasons!